Castner Marble

The Castner Marble is an extraordinary Mesoproterozoic limestone (later re-crystallized and metamorphosed) that exhibits some primary structures (both explicit and ambiguous) and some secondary (tectonic) overprints. It’s exposed in the Franklin Mountains of west Texas.

One from the UTEP Reading Room

Incipient mylonitization of a granite/granitoid, as displayed in a sample on a shelf of one of the meeting rooms adjacent to the Reading Room of the Geological Sciences building at the University of Texas at El Paso. Same side, slightly different lighting conditions: I’d call this a protomylonite. Some of you might prefer the term … Read more

Wyler Aerial Tramway and the Franklin Mountains of West Texas

Riding a cable-car up the side of the Franklin Mountains, Callan checks out the local stratigraphy and structure (and igneous intrusions). Join him on an insightful cruise up several thousand feet and through a billion years of geologic time.