Mount Washington 5: glacial features & views

Busy days here in DC and northern Virginia… Blogging time has been limited. A few more shots from this past summer’s time at Mount Washington, to fill the void… Prius atop mountain: The Great Gulf: Hikers in relatively warm weather: Another look down the Great Gulf: Glacial cobble of diorite, exotic to the top of … Read more

Mount Washington 4: folded granite dikes

We now return to Mount Washington, New Hampshire, where our intrepid heroes summit the mountain in a mere three hours (from Pinkham Notch via the Lion Head): To refresh your memory of the story so far, we had seen metamorphosed turbidites, like this one (new image): …and checked out some gorgeous metamorphic porphyroblasts of “pseudoandalusite,” … Read more

Mount Washington 3: turbidites and their metamorphism

After my cousin Brad caught up with us after our Pinkham Notch roadcut excursion, we started up the trail at Tuckerman Ravine, and then detoured to go via the Lion Head. Immediately, we began to see some freaking awesome metamorphic porphyroblasts. During the Acadian Orogeny (in the late Devonian), the original muds and sands (deep … Read more

Capadoccia 4

On our second day in Capadoccia, Lily and I went for a walk through one of the valleys that are eroded into the landscape there. Bas-relief hoodoos emerging from the wall of the canyon: We came to one area with classic turret-like hoodoos: Note the gravel layers in that column’s section, and the human at … Read more