GoSF4: Kirby Cove

Part 4 of the ongoing series examining the geology of the San Francisco area. In today’s post, Callan visits Kirby Cove in the Marin Headlands, where intensely deformed chert can be found on one end of the cove, pillow basalts on the other, and an “artificial dune” in the middle.

Travels of 2010

I’ve been asked to put up a post detailing travels from the year now concluding. You got it! The first day of January dawned for me in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I had just gotten done with one of the best trips I’ve ever taken, to Patagonia in December 2009. The capital of Argentina was a … Read more

Gerede segment of the North Anatolian Fault

The author recounts a field trip in October along the section of Turkey’s North Anatolian Fault that last ruptured in 1944. The rock types on either side of the fault are compared, offset markers are illustrated, and several types of landforms particular to strike-slip faults are shown. The post concludes with an examination of the town of Gerede itself, which is built directly atop the fault.