Friday fold: Siccar Point video from BGS

The British Geological Survey just came out with a new video on Siccar Point, featuring some excellent drone video of the site (in very good weather!). In addition to the unconformity, one of the things you will appreciate about the video is an excellent end-on view of a plunging synform exposed just above waterline: You’ll … Read more

Remarkable Creatures, by Tracy Chevalier

I’ve been doing some reading lately to get some foundational ideas established in my mind for my upcoming summer trip to Europe. This trip has three goals: (1) to gather key digital imagery (GigaPans, 360° photospheres, video) for curriculum to teach geoscience concepts and give students everywhere with particularly instructive geology in Iceland, Ireland, the … Read more

Upcoming plans

A heads-up: I’m leaving Wednesday afternoon for a 3 week trip to South Africa. My wife Lily and I are off on our half-year-delayed honeymoon (to be distinguished from our Canadian Rockies pre-honeymoon last summer mainly by its exorbitant cost and low levels of geology). We will be spending the day in downtown London, England, … Read more

Friday fold: the Scottish coast

Whilst searching the coastline of the U.K. for Where On Google Earth? #226, I found these lovely folds exposed in wave-cut platforms on the east coast of Scotland. I missed the actual location of the Google Earth screenshot (It was in Wales, and Anne Jefferson found it), but I’m happy enough to have found some sweet folds exposed in map view.

U.K. sediment survey

A friend forwarded this via e-mail to me today… U.K. readers may be interested in participating. Millstone Grit? Kimmeridge Clay? Old Red Sandstone? Durness Limestone? Yorkshire Lias? ………. What are YOUR top three British sediments? BSRG (British Sedimentological Research Group) are conducting a small survey to find out what formations geologists consider the “best” sedimentary … Read more