Friday fold: Flow banding in obsidian, Newberry Volcano National Monument, Oregon

Lockwood Dewitt is the purveyor of this week’s Friday fold ensemble: All these folds are primary (not tectonic) in nature: they are flow banding of the viscous lava that oozed out to make the Big Obsidian Flow at Newberry. And closer in: One more: Awesome stuff! Thanks for sharing, Lockwood! Happy Friday, everyone!

The lip of the caldera

One last post from my September trip to Greece. Here’s a look north along the inside wall of the central caldera of Santorini, taken from the deck of the Santos Winery. It’s not hard to imagine the volcanic edifice that filled the space to the left (west) prior to The Big One.

Santorini panorama

Here is the view north across the central caldera of Santorini, Greece: Click to enlarge to 9000 pixels wide This caldera formed during the Bronze Age, maybe as early as 1628 BCE or so, maybe as late as 1500 BCE. There are new volcanic islands rising in the center.

Santorini ashfall and Akrotiri

Santorini is an island with nice exposures of the Tethyan subduction complex, yes. But did you know there’s also a volcano there? 🙂 Here’s a shot of some snorkelers, with a lovely stack of pyroclastics rising up behind them. Ash, lapilli, more ash — Santorini’s volcano has been very active over the years. This is … Read more