Aden Crater

That’s Aden Crater, a Pleistocene shield volcano in southern New Mexico. Here’s what it looks like from above (Google Maps view): I also noted the position of two nearby maar craters: Kilbourne and Hunt Holes. When you climb up to the edge of Aden and look in, you see the congealed and fractured remnants of … Read more

A new outcrop of Catoctin meta- volcanic breccia

Lily and I took our son to the Virginia Scottish Games on Sunday. This is an annual competition of events in traditionally Scottish feats – throwing heavy things, mainly. There is also fried food, whisky, and some terrific music. The event is held at the Great Meadow, south of The Plains, Virginia. I had never … Read more

Pebble Creek memories

This summer is the first summer in half a decade that I won’t be spending time camping at Pebble Creek campground, in the Lamar Valley of northeastern Yellowstone (“America’s Serengeti”). While I’m very excited to be nesting and exploring my new home in the Fort Valley, it does make me a bit wistful to think … Read more

Friday fold: ball & pillow in volcanic ash

Another guest Friday fold – this one supplied by Ander Sundell of the College of Western Idaho, and his student Katie Ursenbach, who took the shot and gave permission for me to re-post it here. You’re looking at cuspate-lobate folds due to primary sedimentary settling. the Snake River Canyon in southwestern Idaho. A pile of … Read more