Halite casts (hoppers) from the Wills Creek / Tonoloway Formations in West Virginia

While we’re out on Corridor H, let me show you some new halite casts I found (either the Wills Creek Formation or the Tonoloway Formation): Salt casts are among my favorite primary structures. They speak very specifically to hypersaline depositional conditions.

Stylolite from the Helderberg Group, exposed on Corridor H

While out on the Corridor H field trip last week before the heavy snow, I found this squeal-inducingly-lovely example of a stylolite in Helderberg Group limestones (Devonian passive margin carbonates): The stylolite is a pressure-solution surface, made especially apparent in this example because of the starkly different grain sizes and colors on either side of … Read more

Foreknobs Formation: a new outcrop with a possible submarine mass transport deposit

Today, we continue with the story of the field trip I took last week out to Corridor H, the new superhighway in West Virginia that is practically unused, and decorated with multistory roadcuts of spectacular Valley and Ridge sedimentary sequences, and their attendant structures. From the putative Hampshire Formation exposures with their uncharacteristic marine incursion … Read more

A marine incursion in the Hampshire Formation?

I went out last Tuesday to Corridor H, the exemplary new highway cutting through the Valley and Ridge province of eastern West Virginia. Joining me was former student Alan Pitts, a devotee of Corridor H from way back in the early days when we just called it “New Route 55.” The boondoggle highway is now … Read more

Halite casts from Tonoloway Formation under the GIGAmacro lens

The work of team M.A.G.I.C. continues. This is a lovely sample quartet of salt cast samples from Silurian-aged Tonoloway Formation limestone. I collected these samples on Corridor H’s newly-opened section west of Moorefield, West Virginia, last spring. The big one at the bottom was collected by my friend Leigh Henry, who graciously loaned it to … Read more