Strained stylolites in Elkton East

Whoa – look at all that GREEN. You can tell this Virginia picture wasn’t taken recently. In fact, it’s another image from the field review I participated in for the Elkton East quadrangle back in May of last year. Somehow I start blogging these things, but run out of steam (or really more accurately: I … Read more

Overturned bedding in the Weverton (?) Formation

On Monday, I was out in the field at the Blue Ridge / Valley & Ridge transition (“boundary”?) in the Elkton East quadrangle, where Chuck Bailey and students (from the College of William & Mary) were leading a field review of their new geologic map. A field review is a form of field-based peer review, … Read more

Friday (center)fold

At last weekend’s gala banquet to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the William & Mary geology department, I was tickled to see that the centerpiece for each table was a rock of some sort. I spotted Gore Mountain Amphibolite, Baker Mountain Kyanite, brachiopod fossils in limestone, a fossil whale vertebra, a chunk of Aquia Creek … Read more