More xenoliths from the Boulder Batholith

The week before last, I showed you the Boulder Batholith, as it crops out southeast of Butte, Montana. Today, I’ll share a few more photos of xenoliths (or perhaps microgranular mafic enclaves?) from that same outcrop: Man, I miss that old Swiss Army knife. The damned security actors at Calgary Airport confiscated it last summer. … Read more

Geology and wine in northern Virginia, part I: the Blue Ridge

Callan attends the Geological Society of Washington’s fall field trip, examining the relationship between grape-growing and the underlying geology of two provinces in northern Virginia: the Blue Ridge and the Valley & Ridge. With GSW compatriots, Callan visits Hume Vineyards in the Blue Ridge basement complex and North Mountain Winery in the Shenandoah Valley. This is part I.

Leopard rock of the Yaak

After our “pre-honeymoon” sojourn to the Canadian Rockies last summer, Lily and I returned to the U.S. via Porthill, and then drove over to a place I’ve been wanting to visit for a long time: Yaak, Montana. Yaak (or “the Yaak“) is way up in the Kootenai National Forest, in way-way-way-northwesternmost Montana. We camped out … Read more

Friday fold: mafic metavolcanics

Okay – in spite of numerous distractions (see every other post so far this week), it’s time to return to the pre-GSA Minneapolis structural geology field trip. Our final stop of the second day in the field was a series of folded up mafic metavolcanics. I’ve got some photographs of them. These mafic volcanics were … Read more

The Ottertail Pluton

After the awesome outcrops and pavements of strained metaconglomerates from the Quetico / Wabigoon subprovince boundaries of the Superior Craton, my pre-GSA field trip visited the most charmingly-named magma chamber I’ve ever seen, the cuddly-sounding Ottertail Pluton. This is an Algoman-type pluton which is discordant to tonalite-composition gneisses in the area. As with the Giants … Read more